GVHS Speaker - Dr. Yu-Chuan Jack Li
Global Virtual Healthcare Conference 2020 mainly focusses Digital Health and Clinical...
Dr. Nitesh Shroff - GVHS2020 Speaker
AKT Health Analytics brings to you Global Virtual Healthcare Summit #GVHS2020 -...
Dr. Rahul Rathod - GVHS2020 Speaker
Global Virtual Healthcare Conference 2020 mainly focusses on Digital Health and...
Dr. Eiji Sasahara - GVHS2020 Speaker
Global Virtual Healthcare Conference 2020 mainly focusses Digital Health and Clinical...
Dr.Suresh Munuswamy - GVHS2020 Speaker
Global Virtual Healthcare Conference 2020 mainly focusses on Digital Health and...
David - GVHS2020 Speaker
Global Virtual Healthcare Conference 2020 mainly focusses Digital Health and Clinical...
Global Virtual Healthcare Summit
GVHS2020 brings to you industry experts who give their ideas on the latest advancements...
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning: Innovations...
Artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to automate the SDTM dataset,...
Big Data in Healthcare
“Big data in healthcare” refers to the abundant health data collected from numerous...
Advantages and Challenges of E-health Technology
E-Health is an emerging field in the intersection of medical informatics, public...
How Can Blockchain Ensure Patient Data Security in Electronic...
EHRs contain critical and extremely sensitive private information for diagnosis...
Cyber-Security Concepts to Protect Health Care Data
Protecting data in the healthcare industry is not that easy. Healthcare providers...
Phases of Clinical Trials
Clinical Trials are a systematic investigation in human subjects for evaluating...
How to Take Care of Employees Returning to Work During...
During these pandemic times, the entire globe implemented emergencies and lockdowns...
MITH. AI (H) Rapid Home Screening Hand Held Device for...
AKT Health Analytics in association with MITH.AI (Mass Integrated Transformational...
Power of AI in Cancer Treatment
AI can allow cancer-care teams to make faster and better-informed decisions, speeding...