AKT Health at BioAsia 2025: Showcasing Innovation in Digital...
At BioAsia 2024, AKT Health made a significant impact by showcasing Impakt Health,...
DCTs Quarterly Series Japan 2024: Transforming Clinical...
AKT Health is excited to announce the DCTs Quarterly Series Japan 2024, launching...
Navigating Pharma’s Evolution: Embracing KOLs and DOLs...
The pharmaceutical industry is witnessing a power shift! Traditional KOLs (Key Opinion...
How Decentralized Clinical Trials are Reshaping Medical...
Discover the transformative impact of decentralized clinical trials (DCTs) on clinical...
Navigating Pharma's Evolution: Embracing KOLs and DOLs...
Explore the seismic shift in pharmaceutical marketing as traditional Key Opinion...
The Future Shaped by MedTech from Diagnoses to Solutions
Discover the latest trends and advancements in the medical device industry, from...
We are exhibiting at DIA US 2023
AKT Health is thrilled to inform you that we will be actively participating in the...
Improving Patient Centricity through effective usage of...
Patient centricity in healthcare is prioritized globally, utilizing Real-world Data...
Streamlining Drug Development with PK Submit™: Automating...
PK Submit™ is a software tool that automates the creation of CDISC domains for regulatory...
Empowering Patients: How Digital Health Technology is Transforming...
In this blog, we will explore how digital health technology is enhancing patient...
AKT Health announces distribution and promotion partnership...
At Akt Health, we're always looking for ways to help our clients improve patient...
Opportunity for Smaller Medtech Companies to Expand East
The growing market for Medical devices globally and the challenges faced by smaller...
AKT Health is Exhibiting at BioAsia 2023
BioAsia is an annual international event focused on Life Sciences, Biotechnology,...